Mike Skon

Visual Design, Web Design, Retouching & Art Direction

Roll Random™ 3.0 App

From the inspiration of creating a community where people with a common interest in electronic music could find friends, Roll Random was born. For the latest version of the app, my input and direction was requested. From the update logo to the UI elements throughout the app, I helped create a look that spoke to audience of those who attend electronic music festivals and smaller events.

  • Role: Design lead, UI elements, Social Advertising
  • Client: DASM Inc.

Starting off, I updated the colors of the logo and background design to create a clean and attractive look for your phone's main menu.
Roll Random - Logo
Staying cohesive with the branding, I put the UI design through a makeover. The background remained dark since more users would be viewing the app at night and might not appreciate a bright light in their face. Extra spacing was provided around links to increase correct clickability. Neon blue to highlight the interactive areas.
Roll Random - App Screenshots Roll Random - App Screenshots Roll Random - App Screenshots Roll Random - App Screenshots
For the Roll Random 3.0 Launch Promotion, I created the look and feel to match their brand. Some dark tones representing the feels of a nightclub with vibrant colors representing the vibrant community found on this mobile app.
Roll Random - Instagram advertisement
For their Twitter, I expanded on their branding with lifestyle imagery and updated the UI to match.
Roll Random - Twitter
Keeping consistent with the new brand look, I created visuals for the app store that highlighted the best features of this updated app.
Roll Random - App Store Branding